Women in Ministry
Every now and then, I see a
resurrection of the topic of women in ministry. Some male whom considers
himself to be well studied and knowledgeable in the Word will present a
rock-solid case (in his opinion) of why women should not be allowed to minister
in the Church, or to exercise authority over men in the Body of Christ. I have
put this off for awhile, but I have finally had about all I can take, so I
think it is time to dispel some myths about women and ministry
It never fails, but the writings of
Paul to Timothy will be quoted as the end-all, be-all ruling of God’s opinion
concerning women in the Church. 1 Timothy 2:12 says, “But I suffer not a woman
to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” Well,
that does it for every chauvinistic male in the Body of Christ. Christianity is
definitely an “all boys club”, so women just need to sit down and shut up,
allowing us big strong guys to handle it.
I have to say that I do not agree
with this particular view of this scripture, and I believe I can prove why the
interpretation is faulty.
We first need to examine the
scripture in more detail. The Greek word “authenteo”, translated here as “usurp”
needs to be closely examined, because it is the key word in this scripture. “Authenteo”
(Strong’s # G831) means “one who does a thing of himself; one who acts on his
own authority; master” (Thayer’s pg. 84).
So let’s get this straight. Paul
was telling Timothy that a woman should not be allowed to act on her own
authority in the Church. I agree. That is an operation of Jezebel. He was
saying that a woman should not be allowed to become a man’s master. I agree.
Christ is our master. He was saying that a woman should not be allowed to do a
thing of themselves within the Body. I agree. We need to be Spirit-led.
However, when we use the correct
interpretation, every single one of the above statements also apply to men in
the Body (boo! Hissss!).
And to make it worse, these “boys
only” theologians are taking this scripture out of scriptural and cultural
context. What do the scriptures really say about women in ministry?
Well, in Judges Chapter 4, Deborah
is ordained and appointed to be a judge over all of Israel (Jud. 4:4, 5). Now
we must remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever
(Heb. 13:8). If He used women in positions of authority under the Old Covenant,
how many more will He use under the New Covenant? If a woman could exercise
authority in the Congregation under the Old Covenant, why should she be
prohibited in the New Covenant? Because of a lie perpetrated against the Body
of Christ. I’m sorry if you feel offended, but I believe that I can prove the
truth of that statement.
Once again, we need to go back to 1
Timothy chap. 2. Notice the wording of verse 12. It doesn’t say that a woman
cannot exercise authority over a man,
but she is not to usurp that
authority. Encarta Dictionary defines usurp as “seize something without right”.
I agree that none of us, male or female, should seize authority without right
in the Church. That is an operation of witchcraft, and can lead to some pretty
severe problems.
So why did Paul tell Timothy not to
allow a woman to teach a man? All we have to understand is the cultural context
that the scripture was written in. Paul had dispatched Timothy to the Gentile
Church. These individuals were newly reformed pagan worshippers. Their gods had
names like Zeus, Apollo, Mars, etc. What’s more, the worship of these gods was
pornographic in scope, and they were all served by Priestesses and High
In the worship rituals of these
gods, sexual orgies between the worshippers and the priestesses were a normal
state of affairs. These priestesses that once, and perhaps still, served false
gods through sexual rites were now a part of the Gentile Church. In addition,
the priestesses, possessed by the spirit of their gods, would proceed to
prophesy through the spirit of Jezebel.
In addition, the whole of the
Gentile Church had been born out of a polytheistic culture where many gods were
served. So Paul was being wise when he told Timothy not to allow these
particular women to usurp authority in the Gentile Church or to teach. They had
come from a devil-worshipping culture, and to allow them to teach or to
prophesy falsely in the Church would have been a serious mistake. Can you imagine
the results had they been allowed to get up behind a pulpit on a Sunday morning
and prophesy that God wanted His Church to also worship Dionysus (Greek god of
wine and sex), and to engage in an orgy as a form of worship?
I don’t believe that we would even
see this prohibition against this particular group of women had they fully left
their old lives behind. In our modern churches, we would not allow a newly
reformed, drug addicted prostitute who was a Buddhist to teach Sunday School or
to preach a sermon because the results could be disastrous. We would first
disciple her and help her to fully leave the old life behind. Paul was
encouraging Timothy to exercise the same kind of wisdom.
What about women in the five-fold
ministry? In Romans 16:7, the Bible says “Salute Andronicus and Junia, my
kinsmen, and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also
were in Christ before me.” Wait just a second! Did Paul just refer to a woman (Junia)
as an apostle? And an apostle of note? A
woman? Easy, there big fella’. You’ll
figure it out!
And now to make it even worse,
Judges 4 definitely calls Deborah a prophetess. While some would like to make a
distinction between the office of prophet and the prophetess, let’s consider
this: the words “prophesy” and “prophet” are actually descended from a root
word for “prophetess”. Yep, you’ve got it right. To prophesy is actually
considered to be feminine in origin. Ouch! Kinda stabs your male pride right in
the foot, doesn’t it?
And here are some other hard and
fast Biblical facts: 1 Cor. 12:12 states “For as the Body is one, and hath many
members, and all the members of that one Body, being many, are one Body: so
also is Christ.” Is there any doubt in the mind of anyone that Jesus Christ
was, in fact, the Son of God? If we are all a part of the Son’s body, are we
not all male in the eyes of the Lord?
Mat. 13:38 says, “The field is the
world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the
children of the wicked one.” The Greek word “huios” (Strong’s #5207),
translated here as “children” actually means to be a son. I cannot fathom
anyone believing that just because a person is female by birth, that they
cannot be part of the “good seed”.
Romans 8:14: For as many are led by
the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Can women be led by the Spirit of
God? If so, they must be a son of God.
1 John 3:1-2: Behold, what manner
of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of
God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not. Beloved, now
are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we
know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as
He is. Is there any question as to whether or not women will be caught up in
the resurrection? I sincerely hope not. The fact is, all of us are sons of God
on the earth, and will be transformed sons of God in the hereafter.
Once salvation has occurred and we
are sanctified by the blood of Christ, God considers us to be dead to the fleshly
life of sin and reborn into life in the Spirit.
As such, He sees us as changed (transformed) into the image of His
precious Son, all a part of the Body of Christ. Eph. 2:5, 6 tells us that “Even
when we were dead in sins, (He) hath quickened us together with Christ (by
grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together
in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
I have only one question about this
passage. We know that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father (Eph.
1:20). If we are seated in heavenly places with Him, at the right hand of the
Father, is that not a position of authority in the kingdom? I see no
distinction here between male and female. I see only that ALL believers are
seated in a place of authority in the Body of Christ. I cannot see any other
way to interpret this scripture. If Christ Jesus is on His throne at the right
hand of the Father, and we are seated in Him in heavenly places, then we are
all, male and female, in a place of authority. Not just in the Body of Christ,
but over all of God’s creation. To interpret this scripture in any other way is
I am not trying to say that women
should reign over men in the Church. I am saying that men and women together
are all workers in the kingdom. Women have as much of a purpose in the
leadership of the Church as men. Not one lording it over the other. When we
step back and take into consideration that spirits like Jezebel and Ba’al
thrive upon the illegal assumption of authority, we must also realize that if
God has given a woman divine authority in one area or another and we as men
refuse to grant her the God-given authority she already has, it is the man that
has introduced witchcraft and the spirit of Jezebel into the assembly, not the
I know that many of you will have
to read this several times to gain understanding, because this is absolutely
contrary to the false doctrine being presented in many assemblies. I pray that
the Lord will open your eyes to the truth of the scriptures and to the truth
that we are all sons in the kingdom. Amen.
Philippians ~ 4: 2. I plead with Euodias and Syntyche that they be of one mind in our Master (Y'shua). 3. I also plead with you, my true burden bearers, that you assist those women who worked hard with me in the Good News; together with Clement and with the rest of my helpers whose names are written in the book of life.
ReplyDeleteLuke ~ 2: Then there was Kanna the prophetess a daughter of Peniel from the tribe of Ashir; she was also advanced in her days . And she was seven years with her husband whom she had lived with since her virginity. 37. And she was a widow for about eighty-four years. And she would not go out from (the Temple). (But would) with fasting and with prayer serve by day and by night. 38. And she also stood up in that hour and gave thanks to Master YHWH and was speaking concerning him to everyone who was waiting for the salvation of Urishlim (Jerusalem).
Then there is a preponderance of sisters who have testimony of Yeshua and the faith of Christ. For seven years my message has been "He's Coming Soon" put me to the test whether or not I speak because He speaks and leads. amen? Karin Dayspring
Miss Karin, thank you so much for sharing your understanding in the Word. I must say that it is refreshing to read your comments. It shows that you have studied this topic and that the Holy Spirit has opened the Word to you. I must say that I whole-heartedly agree with your conclusions and with your interpretation. I must also say that I love the wording of Phillipians 4:3. Paul tells us that he and the women he was referring to worked hand in hand, as equals. I also like the way that he tells the Phillipians to assist them, in other words to submit themselves to these women of God to further their ministry to the Gentiles. He was, in fact telling the Phillipians to recognize their authority in the Body. Bless you, dear sister!
DeleteNow faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of GOD ➶ ™ ✞
DeleteStudy to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
In so many of our assemblies across the nation, the Word is preached according to the interpretations of man. We are not rightly dividing the word of truth, but preaching doctrines of men and doctrines of devils.
The word of God, in and of itself is a faith-building machine. But when we begin to use it as a hammer to hit people with; or as a doorway to close on people to exclude them from things, we are not allowing the Word to build their faith. Instead, we are tearing down their faith, and hurting their understanding and walk with the Father.
God is all about grace, but when we stick our noses in His Word and begin to shoot off our mouths with our interpretations and opinions, we hurt people in some very ungraceful ways.
Let's take the current subject as an example: we exclude women from ministry and leadership roles in Church leadership based on a faulty interpretation of 2 Tim. 2:12. Because of this, the word that God has placed in half of our people is overlooked and considered unimportant to even hear and consider!
We have got to come to a place where we understand that God is not about granting exclusive priveleges to any particular group or person. God is no respecter of persons. We are all sons, and the kingdom of Heaven is unlocked and flows through whosoever will.
It is time once more for faith to come by hearing the word of God. We have heard enough of the word of man and look where it has gotten us. One of the biggest mistakes the Church ever made was to exclude the Jews and the Jewish feasts from Christian practice. The second biggest mistake was to exclude our sisters in Christ from flowing in their gifts and God-granted authority in the Body. Through this practice of exclusion, we have done nothing but to hurt ourselves. Blessings, Sister!
Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.
ReplyDeleteI pray this for all in His service; ..
Common territory :)
DeleteUntiy and common ground is more important for the Body now than ever before. Look at the condition we are in! The white Church excludes the Black Church. Christians exclude Catholics. Men exclude women.
The Lord Jesus asked God that we all become one, even as He and His Father are one (John 17:21). The Lord Jesus gave us the five-fold ministry in order to accomplish this task (Eph. 4:13), but many churches exclude them!
Father God, I echo the prayer of Jesus in this. Lord, make us one, even as You and Your Son are one. Bring us together in the unity of the faith unto the measure of a perfect man. Make us truly reflect that we are the Body of Christ, Father God. Make us one in love and respect for one another. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
Acts 8: 12. But when they believed Pileepos who had preached the Kingdom of Elohim in the name of our Master Y'shua haMashiyach, they immersed, men and women.
ReplyDeleteActs 16: 13. And on the Shabbat day, we went without the gate of the city to the side of a river, because a house of prayer was seen there. And when we were seated, we conversed with the women who there assembled. 14. And a certain woman who feared Elohim, a seller of purple, whose name was Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, (was there). Her heart our Master opened, and she listened to what Paul spoke. 15. Then she was immersed, and her household. And she begged us, saying: If you are really persuaded that I have believed in our Master (Y'shua), come and take lodging in my house. And she urged us greatly.
Acts 17: 10. And the Brothers immediately, on the same night, sent away Paul and Silas to the city of Berea. And when they came there, they entered into the synagogue of the Jews. 11. For the Jews there were nobler than the Jews of Thessalonica; and they gladly heard the word from them daily, and searched from the Scriptures whether these things were so. 12. And many of them believed; and so likewise of the Greeks, many men, and women of note.
From the long past, even before the advent of Grace, God tried to show the Church that women were not to be excluded in roles of Church leadership. Paul even went so far as to say "there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal. 3:28c). Yet, still we are having to discuss this issue because the Church refuses to accept that when God looks at His children, He sees us all as His Son.
DeleteBefore salvation we are male and female; we are Jew or Gentile; we are bond and free. After salvation, we are all sons. When we continue to see our sisters as women and therefore unwelcome to lead or to minister in the Body, we are robbing ourselves.
Jesus made it clear that women should be allowed to minister in the Body. After all, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene and commanded her to carry the message of His resurrection to the disciples. Since the resurrection is what differentiates Christianity from every other religion and every other "Christ", what message could possibly be more important than the one she preached to the other disciples - Jesus is risen!
And to think, Jesus chose a woman to convey the first message ever delivered about the ressurrected Christ! Women in the Body are much more important than the Church has ever realized. It's about time we wake up!
“Then the LORD said: ‘I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you’ ”
ReplyDelete(Exodus 34:10, NIV)
ReplyDeleteTherefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh. Gen. 2:24
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Mark 10:9
The one thing that seems to be most misunderstood in the Body of Christ is Covenant Relationship. We are in numerous covenants within the Church. We are in covenant with Christ. We are in covenant with our pastor and the rest of the congregation. We are in covenant with our ministry partners, one of whom should always be our spouse.
Because we are in a ministry covenant with our spouse, we are required to prefer his or her ministry above our own. That is what covenant does. When we love someone, we always serve them before we serve ourselves.
The Church is supposed to be in covenant with ALL of its members, and that includes the women in the congregation. That covenant relationship demands that we prefer them over ourselves. That act of covenant preference also demands that we allow the Lord to move, speak and manifest Himself through them, and those in leadership are required by God to support them when they do.
Refusing to allow our women to flow in their giftings is a blatant breach of our covenant with them. As a matter of fact, every assembly which refuses to acknowledge the ministering presence of the Holy Spirit within the women of the congregation has served those women a notice of divorce. That is what it means to break covenant. Christ was dead set against men that put their women away (divorced them) unjustly, but thousands of Churches across the nation and the world have done just that.
What a sad state of affairs when the Church causes our anointed women to assume an adulterous relationship with Jezebel in order to fulfill their covenant with God!