Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Feng Shua is a Spiritual Concept


I know this is a strange title for an article on a Christian Blog Site. So, let me start with a disclaimer: I do not practice, nor do I endorse, the Feng Shua belief system. I will even go one step further: Feng Shua is a system of beliefs based on geomancy, astrology and numerology. It is, by its’ most basic definition, witchcraft.

However, we know that the enemy lacks creativity. He has never created anything; he only steals, kills and destroys (1 Peter 5:8). Part of being vigilant, however, is to realize what he has stolen, perverted, repackaged, and sold back to the rest of the world as “new age” religious ideas. Feng Shua is one of these ideas.

 Please understand that the term, “new age” does not refer to the amount of time that the belief has been in practice. Feng Shua is, in fact, older than Christianity, but is still a “new age” belief. New age beliefs try, in the most part, to replace God with some other system of belief. In the case of Feng Shua, God is replaced by “chi”, the non-intelligent force of the universe as a whole. As part of the Buddhist doctrine, practitioners believe that they will, after a series of many incarnations, aspire to be a god, themselves (humanism, again a new age belief).

Feng Shua Explained

               The Lord has been talking to me lately about the spiritual concept of Feng Shua. In order to understand the fullness of what He was saying, I had to do a little research. I am going to share my relevant findings, here so that we all fully understand the message that the Lord is trying to convey.

               Feng Shua is an ancient Chinese religious belief system. Evidence of its’ use can be seen in structures as old as 5000 to 6000 B.C. in certain regions of China, Europe, and in the Bible. While it was not referred to as “Feng Shua” in Europe or in the Bible, its’ principles were in use. More on this, later.

               The Chinese traditional religious beliefs hold that everything and everyone on the earth is affected by, and affects, “Chi”. Chi can best be compared to “The Force” in Lucasfilms “Star Wars”. The belief is that it surrounds everything, permeates everything, it is neither good nor evil, but can be manipulated for either cause. In effect, they have tried to explain the supernatural presence of the Spirit of God and the forces of darkness as physical phenomena.

               Chi is completely dependent on the belief in the yin and the yang. Yin is receptive while yang is active. Yin and yang has been explained as good and evil, also. They believe that in order to achieve totally harmonious balance, both must be present in equal amounts. Chi flows through the earth in “dragon lines”, and the placement of villages, houses, doorways, tombs and furniture become of utmost importance in relation to the dragon lines. If one elemental substance is misplaced within the dragon lines, chi will not flow correctly, and “bad chi” results.

               According to this belief, “good chi” promotes health, wealth, creativity, positive social relationships, confidence, meditation and contemplation, and respect for one’s self and others. Bad chi results in just the opposite. Feng Shua is even practiced as a medical discipline to treat chronic illnesses.

               Feng Shua is a discipline of alignment. As a belief system, it has translated spiritual principles into the physical realm, similar to the way that the Tabernacle was a physical representation of heavenly things. Therefore, Feng Shua is a spiritual concept, and as such, I think it is worth a look to discover what we can learn from it.

A Discipline of Alignment

               Feng Shua practitioners have mastered a concept that most Christians struggle with, daily: alignment. While Feng Shua mystics attempt to align themselves with a mystical force, Christians should be aligning themselves with the will of God.

               The Feng Shua believer knows that they must be in proper alignment with the universe. This produces a proper flow of chi, and they benefit immensely from it. We as Christians know we must align ourselves with the Word and the will of Almighty God, so that there is a proper flow from the heavens to the earth. Not only do we benefit immensely from this proper alignment, but all of those touched by our ministries also benefit immensely when the minister is properly aligned with the will of the Father.

               Alignment is an all-important principle in the Kingdom. God wills for each of us to have an abundant life, a constant, abundant flow of blessings. So many of us are not receiving the flow we’re entitled to. Why? Perhaps it is time to look at our alignment.

               When we are aligned with the principles presented in the Word, God is free to release everything He has in store for us. This includes material wealth, spiritual well-being, physical health, and so much more. We were promised an abundant life, a life of being more than a conqueror. Are we lining up with the will of God to receive that abundant flow? None of us would try to force a stream to flow uphill. That would be ludicrous! How many of us try to force our abundant heavenly flow to move uphill, through obstructions, and over desert areas in our lives, though?


How alignment affects the Ministry

               I am not casting any stones, and I am not going to mention any names, but we have all seen the results when a minister comes out of alignment with the Lord. We’ve all heard about the moral failures, financial scandals, etc. Unfortunately, these ministers lost sight, at least temporarily, of their alignment.

               Alignment is an all-important factor in the lives of true Christian Believers. Jesus made this very clear in John 5:19 when He said that He only did what He saw His Father do, and He only said what He heard His Father say. In other words, Jesus was in perfect alignment with the will of His Father. That is why His ministry was so effective. That is why His prayers were always answered. He was in perfect alignment. Are we?

               Again, without casting stones, step back and take a look at the ministry you’ve been entrusted with. Are you and it completely in alignment with the Father? God is love (1 John 4:8, 16). Is your ministry built on love? We are all ambassadors of Christ. Do you reflect that you are an ambassador of love? I would love to say that I have mastered this, but I am still working on it, just like most of you.

               The Lord has re-released His vision for the Church. It is a vision of love and covenant. We must all grab hold of this! God is Love! Love is not an emotion; it is not an abstract force! It is a person! It is God, Himself! When the world sees us, do they see a ministry of Love? Do they see Love as our foundation? Is Love our foundation? Are we in alignment with the Father? Are we in alignment with and an ambassador for, pure heavenly Love? Do we allow our own agendas, goals, and beliefs to bring us out of alignment with our heavenly Father? If so, are we willing to make the appropriate changes?

               There is an awesome move of God’s Spirit being released over the earth in this season. We must all grab hold of this! We must examine ourselves and our ministries! The time for personal agendas and personal goals has come to an end. God is looking for those whom will minister out of pure, unconditional love. Are you the minister He is searching for? Are you in alignment with the Father? Have you mastered the concept that Feng Shua is a spiritual concept?



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